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Professional United Pet Sitters Directory
Pet sitting insurance
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I look forward to hearing from you and the pleasure of earning your pet sitting business!

Professional and insured pet sitter in Northwest Columbus, Ohio.

Covering portions of the Columbus, Hilliard, Upper Arlington and Dublin, Ohio communities surrounding Tuttle Mall.

Zip codes:  43221 - 43220 - 43016 - 43017 - 43026
Hello!  I am Char Riedinger and welcome to my website!
My pet sitting service has been providing peace of mind to Northwest Columbus pet owers since 2004.
Award winning pet sitter in Northwest Columbus, Ohio
A few reasons why I think you should consider me as your pet care provider:
I was honored when Angie's List featured me in their Super Service Spotlight and included this photo with the article.  
Columbus, Ohio pet sitter
Cat sitter in Northwest Columbus, Ohio.
Visit my photography website for more cat pics!               
Your cat(s) will love staying home keeping up with their usual routines!

I do!  At home or work, cats are my passion.
Lost and found pets in Ohio and US
Lost or Found a pet?  Utilize!

I have been volunteering for Pet FBI since circa 2006 by creating and managing their Facebook page Pet FBI Ohio
Here are just a few reunions Pet FBI Ohio has helped facilitate.  
Pet sitter and volunteer in Columbus, Ohio
Pet sitter and volunteer in Columbus, Ohio
Pet FBI volunteer and pet sitter in Dublin, Ohio
Pet sitting in Hilliard and Columbus, Ohio
Pet sitting in Hilliard and Dublin, Ohio
Award winning pet sitting in Columbus
Pet FBI tips to help entice cats to return home
Text or call:  614-208-5718
Is your kitty missing?  Please read the Pet FBI cat attracting tips which will hopefully help you entice your kitty to return home on their own!

Featuring my clients:
Shadow, Romeo, Abby, Moe & Daisy!  

Cat sitter in the Riverside Green neighborhood in Dublin, Ohio
18 y/o Stella enjoying her 
favorite chair and sunbeams
Cat sitter in The Knolls area of Columbus
Pierre enjoying his sunporch
Cat sitter for outdoor cats in Hilliard
Outdoor cat Tommy 
stays home & outdoors!
Cat sitter in Dublin for shy cats
​Previously shy Coco can enjoy her favorite 
cat tree while Aunt Char sits nearby blabbing about her day
👈 Please contact me directly via email or text.  I have removed the 'Contact Us' page due to it being glitchy.